northumberland may 2016
These days we stay on a wonderful organic farm amongst the pigs, sheep, ducks and peacocks – more each year. I fancied trying my hand at animal studies but only managed a couple of the peacocks.
Craster is a compact village, the favoured walk approach to Dunstanburgh Castle. We did the walk but I managed to avoid sketching it again although always a pleasure concentrated on 3 in and around the village. If the tide is not in the rocks to the side are a myriad of shapes, pools and colours – rich green sea weed in the pools, near indigo sea with white spray, orange, browns and…
Lobster pots – or are they for crabs? – and the cottages hard on the edge of the natural rock harbour.
Berwick is always a pleasure with its Georgian Houses, the perimeter walls walk and ever changing views. It retains its working grit and not a surprise that L S Lowry spent so many years there. I was tempted by a few of his views but chose the roofscape albeit with the Town Hall tower which dominates the town.
Berwick is always a pleasure with its Georgian Houses, the perimeter walls walk and ever changing views. It retains its working grit and not a surprise that L S Lowry spent so many years there. I was tempted by a few of his views but chose the roofscape albeit with the Town Hall tower which dominates the town.